Thursday, September 23, 2010

Science In the Classroom

This is a picture of the students science journals.  They write in them on a daily basis of the lab they explored that day.  They even draw pictures to describe what they were seeing and their conclusions.  I really enjoy reading their journals and find that they are curious about science and why things happen.


The teacher was showing them how earth rotates around the sun.  In the pic there is a globe behind her and she modeled the process and the light buld was the sun.  The children got to visualize what happens.  They were really into this and even made comments and told her what they knew.

Here are some posters about science in the classroom as well as science text books.

Here are some of the science supplies that are used when they need them.

I asked one of the students how they define science and got cute answers.
 Student: "It's about planets and stars and earth."
When I asked the student if they liked science and learning about it she said,
"I liked to learn about the universe and how stars are made."
This students journal was covered with pictures of stars and planets.  I also read her jouranl and was amazed at how creative it was.  When she drew the pictures of the labs done in the past she really put a lot of effort.

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